I believe my allocated zone is incorrect:
If believe that you have been allocated the incorrect zone, please contact our Customer Support Team via our virtual assitant Parker.
I have been asked to provide supporting documention. What does this mean?
If you have been asked to provide supporting documentation it is because we have been unable to automatically verify you using the information provided or because you have not provided a date of birth. Supporting documents include bank statement, utility bill or tax document from the past three months.
Can I use the service even though I don't have a mobile phone or computer?
Yes, you can. Simply call the PayByPhone Support Team on 0333 212 5586.
My app doesn't display the Permits option:
The app may need to install updates. Please visit either the App Store or Google Play Store and check for updates.
My phone doesn't support the PayByPhone app:
Some older phones and computers use operating systems that aren’t compatible with the latest PayByPhone app. If this is the case you can use the PayByPhone website, which is customised for mobile devices. Just visit www.paybyphone.co.uk
I can't create an account because my email address/phone number is already recognised:
You may already have created a PayByPhone account in the past, which means an account already exists. Click here to reset your password.
For more information about Ealing permits, please click this link.